Uncovering the Incredible Power of A1C for Optimum Health

If you are diabetic, understanding the concept and results of your A1C test is important and can have a big impact on your health. Knowing the results is a critical factor to you staying healthy long term. 

What is A1C 

A1C is a test that checks how much glucose is in your blood over a long period of time. The glucose in your blood sticks to the hemoglobin. The more glucose you have in your blood, the more it sticks. It stays there for about three months, or as long as the average red blood cell lives. The results of the test are reported to your health care team in percentages. The higher the percentages, the higher your blood glucose levels have been daily. 

Why do you need this test

To diagnose pre-diabetes. It is possible to begin a program to modify your diet, lose weight and improve your health if you are pre-diabetic. 

To diagnose type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This test is done with fasting. No food or beverage except water, and some providers allow black coffee after midnight. 

To monitor your treatment program. It is used to establish your baseline A1C level and to regularly monitor your progress. 


How often do you need to get this blood test 

How often you require the A1C test depends on the type of diabetes you have, your treatment plan, how well you’re meeting your treatment objectives, and your primary care team clinical judgment. 

For example, the A1C test may be recommended:

  • Once every year if you have prediabetes.
  • Twice a year if you don’t use insulin and your blood sugar level is consistently within your target range.
  • Four times a year if you take insulin or have trouble keeping your blood sugar level within your target range.

How can knowing your A1C improve your health

There are countless benefits to keeping your A1C within range. Long-term, optimal health is achieved by preserving good eyesight, patent nerves in your hands and feet, preventing cardiovascular disease, preventing fatty liver disease, maintaining kidney function, and feeling darn good. Those are just a few of the many benefits for your long-term health. 

The thing I like about A1C is that if I make a mistake and eat something with plenty of carbs, like a chocolate cake, it’s okay because it’s measured over a three-month period. 

What Can You Do to improve your A1C

  1. It is basic; however, it is not easy. Without blame, you can improve your A1C by introducing changes to your diet. There are so many ways to do that. For me, fasting and intermittent fasting work best. Not all type 2 diabetics are overweight, but if you are, set yourself up for success by planning to lose 1–2 pounds a week. Fiber is a friendly carbohydrate because it can’t be absorbed into the blood and affect your blood sugar. For some people, it’s better to count carbs. A healthy way of eating is the Mediterranean diet. There are many ways to get the right combination of foods to meet your goals. The key is to get started because you may not need to lose as much weight as you think to result in a lower A1C level.
  2. Naturally, exercise is in the mix.  If you can, go to the gym. Walking is the best exercise for everyone. 
  3. Keep your stress levels in check. Keep calm by meditating, contemplating, exercise, speaking and writing mantras, breathing exercises and visualization.
  4. Take your medications as directed. 
  5. Check your blood sugar frequently. The foods you are eating impact your blood sugar, so do this for yourself. 

A1C is a critical measure of your average blood glucose levels and is an important tool for ensuring long-term health. By understanding the power of A1C and how it works, you can take the necessary steps to improve it and benefit from having a healthy A1C. 

Share this post with friends and family who are diabetic to spread awareness of the importance of monitoring and improving your A1C. Keeping it under control will change your life.

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